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Business Term Of The Day

For this activity students will need to use pic collage on their iPads and create a 3 frame collage for each term.  Students must use a plain colored back ground.


Each collage must contain the following.

1.  The term

2.  The definiton written in the students words

3.  An example of the term

4.  A photo that illustrates the term


The first set of terms are due by mid terms.  You will have approximately 20 minutes per week in class to work on these terms.  At mid terms we will have quiz on all of the first set of terms.  Click here to access the study guide for the frist set of terms


The second set of terms are due by finals.  You will have approximately 20 minutes per week in class to work on these terms.   We will have the second quiz on the second set of terms on finals day.  Click here to access the study guide for the second set of terms



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